
i wish i was still passionate so i can pretend to love life but still no words come out no words can

i was tricked into thinking nothing about me is okay but everything is okay, i swear to god it's okay

for fuck's sake, define happy i need to know what it is i want to be what it is are you?

choose a number from one to four have you felt lonely? have you felt angry? have you felt like you want to destroy yourself?

i've already tried to do whatever you're suggesting to— everything i try just comes back.

i wish i can blame you for everything i feel but i know in some ways, i walked into this everytime i see you, i tense up just a bit i wish i didn't daydream so damn much

when i see your face it's nothing i remember vaguely it's you but so full of hate

choose a number from ten to twelve that's how many hours that i've cried i hope you got what you fucking want

i wish i was still passionate so i can pretend to move on but still my feet are planted still my feet are planted

and i know you'll never love me never touch me, never kiss me i almost killed myself and you didn't blink.